
Oscar is a fish who dreams of becoming a "somebody". He wishes to be rich and famous. One day his dream comes true after he is mistakenly taken for being a "shark slayer" and then the adventure really begins.

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Character Profiles


Oscar is a dreamer and when he is mistaken for slaying a shark, his dream of becoming a "somebody" comes true. But this one lie becomes a big problem when he is tasked with fighting off further sharks in town.


Lenny is a shark who feels he does not live up to his father's standards. He's not a natural born killer, but a friendly warm creature. When he runs away from the unfortunate accident of his brother, he discovers Oscar's lie about being a shark slayer. He then teams up with Oscar to help him become the shark slayer he is believed to be.


Angie is the best friend of Oscar. Together they work at a whale wash but when Oscar becomes the "shark slayer", their friendship begins to crumble.

Don Lino

Don Lino is the father of Lenny and Frankie. He is also the head of a mob. After discovering the death of his son, and the rumours of the shark slayer being the perpetrator, he begins his mission to get revenge.


Lola is a fish on a mission. Her mission is Oscar. After discovering Oscar is the new hero in town, she decides she wants to be a part of his new found fame.


Sykes is the boss of Oscar at the whale wash. When Oscar becomes known as "The Shark Slayer", Sykes becomes his manager.

Ernie and Bernie

Ernie and Bernie are two Jellyfish brothers who are work for Sykes. They mistake Oscar for being a shark slayer after misintepreting a situation.


Frankie is the older brother of Lenny. He tries to teach Lenny on how to become a shark. But during an outing with Lenny, an anchor accidently kills him.


Luca is the right-hand man to Don Lino. He tends to state the obvious but he is a trusted member of the Don Lino team.

Don Feinberg

He is an elderly veteran in the Don Lino team. He is sometimes confused but he has a good heart.