Barry is a bee who has just completed his graduation and he's looking forward to his future. Unfortunately, his future is already decided. But on one occasion he ends up in the outside world with a human. His relationship with the human blossoms until he learns about the exploitation of bees at the hands of mankind.
Movie Trailer and Behind the Scenes
My Favourite Things about The Bee Movie
- I love the 3D world and the beautiful animation. It's so clean and inviting.
- I love the fact that I avoided this film for a whlie, thinking that I was not going to like it, but then I ended up loving it!
- I love the story and interaction with humans. This is because it is relatable and sends a good message.
Character Profiles

Barry B. Benson
Barry B. Benson is a bee lives in a very organised world. Every bee knows exactly what they are doing at all times. But Barry wants to be spontaneous. One day his wish comes true when he meets a human.

Vanessa Bloome
Vanessa Bloome is the first human that Barry meets. They become best friends.

Adam Flayman
Adam Flayman is the best friend of Barry and he also graduates with him. He is the opposite to Barry. He enjoys the daily controlled routine.

He is the villain of the film. He is manipulative and controlling. He plans to weaken and destroy Barry's case in order to let the honey companies continue their exploitation of the bees.

Mooseblood is a mosquito who Barry meets on a car window. He gives advice to Barry on how to be streetwise.

Janet B. Benson
She is the mother of Barry B. Benson. She is a very cheerful and yet worrisome character. She is the wife of Martin Benson.

Martin Benson
He is the husband of Janet Benson and the father of Barry Benson.

Trudy the Tour Guide
She guides the newly graduated bees around town.

General Lou Lo Duca
He is the general that escorts the bees to the outside world, ready to work on the flowers and deliver honey.

She is the judge at the court who deals with the dispute between Barry and Layton.